Ketika pemerintah mengumumkan secara resmi telah memblokir beberapa website, antara lain Myspace, Multiply, Youtube dan Rapidshare, reaksi paling hebat yang saya baca dari beberapa teman saya yaitu mengenai kesedihan mereka karena ditutupnya akses Multiply.
kehilangan up date yg ga bisa didapat selain di multiply.”
Yah, hampir tiga tahun saya menggunakan Multiply, tapi tidak sedikit pun saya pernah mengalami kebosanan seperti apa yang saya alami dengan web social networking lainnya.
Pagi ini, saya tanpa sengaja membaca sebuah tulisan yang ditulis oleh presiden dan CEO dari Multiply yang bernama Peter Pezaris. Peter mungkin tidak sepopuler dan seeksis Tom Myspace, namun yang pasti dia telah membantu banyak orang di luar sana dengan membuat wadah interaksi dunia maya yang berguna. Terima kasih banyak, Peter.
For regular guys like me, Multiply is it.
For discussion between real-world friends and family around your personal media, there is no better solution than Multiply.
by Peter Pezaris, President and CEO
For the exhibitionists of the world, there is no shortage of web sites that can distribute your content to a wider audience of strangers: MySpace, YouTube, Flickr to name a few. For regular guys like me, however, we care more about sharing our personal media with people we actually know in real life.
MySpace offers very crude privacy controls which are unsuitable for exchanging personal media in all but the most basic use case scenarios. Your entire profile on MySpace is either set completely public so that anyone in the world can see it, or completely private, so only your direct contacts can see it. You have one switch to throw, and it's either ON or OFF.
Facebook offers better privacy controls than MySpace, but they are still crude. The world is still binary: either someone is your contact or not. There is no way to share your media with your co-worker's wife, your Mom's best friend, or your sister's roommate without first making them a contact of yours. This artificial pressure to add contacts degrades the quality and accuracy of your personal "social graph" over time; anyone who has used Facebook or LinkedIn has seen these effects.
Multiply allows you to meaningfully and appropriately communicate with tier-2 and tier-3 contacts based on our proprietary system which ranks users in order of how close they are to you in your real-world social graph (this is similar to how Google's PageRank works, only applied to social networks). This recognition that friends-of-friends are important to you for the exchange of personal media is how we keep our representation of your real-world social circles more accurate.
Multiply's proprietary messaging system, which alerts your personal network not only when new content is posted, but also when replies are added to those posts, is sometimes compared to Facebook's news feed. Facebook's news feed is a snapshot of web-site activity containing such crucial nuggets as "Debbie vampire bit Julie," "Dave added the superpoke application" to be followed closely by "Dave removed the superpoke application." Importantly, this activity stream is not a communication tool; it fails miserably at that. The insanely low signal to noise ratio is one important aspect of this shortcoming, but perhaps the fatal flaw is that there is no "page 2." That means you can only see the last 15 items of activity, and can never go back in time before that.
Imagine if your email INBOX contained only the last 15 emails that people have sent you, and when you receive the 16th, the first one — poof — is gone for good and there's no way to get it back. That is exactly how Facebook's news feed works. Some people have referred to it as drive-by social spamming, but whatever it is, it's not suitable for meaningful communication around personal media.
Most importantly, however, when you take that precious video of your daughter's first steps, when you share it on Multiply you're guaranteed that your Mom will see it, because it won't be pushed off the front page of her newsfeed (and into oblivion) when someone she didn't know got "top friended" by someone else she didn't know. On Multiply, not only is there a page 2 so she'll see it, we even keep track of when she does so you know for sure.
Simply put, Multiply delivers next-generation technology to make lives easier, more engaging, and more fun for those like me who want to share our lives and communicate with people we actually know. We'll let our competitors focus on social gaming, social flirting, and social hangouts.
Four years ago we had a vision to deliver the best personal media sharing site in the world to as many people as possible, in the hopes that it would bring family and friends together. Since our launch in 2004 we have focused on nothing else. The end result is a product suite geared specifically for one purpose: for those more interested in meaningful discussion between real-world friends and family around their personal media, there is no better solution than Multiply.
- If you're a semi-pro photographer, Flickr is the site for you.
- Are you an exhibitionist? Try MySpace.
- YouTube is the best place to post your viral video if you don't care who sees it.
- Facebook is the hands-down winner in social gaming and profile toys.
Do you have friends and family that you care about and would like to have a better way to stay in touch with, and share those precious photos and videos, and discuss current events?
Multiply is it.
yes betul.
ReplyDeletekeunggulan multiply adalah it is very personal.
btw, ganteng juga Peter Pezaris.. multiply-nya apa? hihihi
ReplyDeleteudah punya anak tapi.. ;)
gpp kok.. i love kids.
it's a bonus then... :)
ReplyDeleteWalau masih bisa akses via vtunnel, tetep banyak bgt kekuranganya selain posting yang udah ga bisa diatur dgn baik,juga ga bisa quote reply dan delete inbox,yg bisa cuma push pin nya aja..
komentar2nya ga berlebihan menurut gue sih.. mungkin terlihat agak menyedihkan, tapi di tengah-tengah serangan individualis dan kesibukan yang merajalela yang mengakibatkan sebagian besar waktu dihabiskan di balik layar monitor, buat gue, multiply itu guardian angel gue supaya bisa tetep waras dan tidak terputus dengan dunia luar... AKH! lagi sebel banget sama pemerintahhhhh.... jangan lupa tanda tangan petisi:
ReplyDeleteDimas, kayaknya kamu juga bisa nih dibayar Multiply hehehe. Tapi bener, saya ikutan berbagai jaringan dan blog di internet, tapi saya tetap pake Multiply. Sepertimu, saya paling suka melihat blog orang, membaca komentar-komentarnya. SAya pikir nggak ada ruang seterbuka di forum multiply ini. So multiply is it. :p
ReplyDeletemakasih banget ya multiply....since 2004 sudah berkawan
ReplyDeleteHaha. Hidup Multiply lah.
ReplyDeleteyup i love multiply .....
ReplyDeletedan mungkin juga setengah hidup gw di multiply dim... hehehe..
dari sekian banyak web2 proxy itu pun.. pada lelet semua ye. kampret!
stuju.. multiply tidak membosankan seperti lainnya..
ReplyDeletestuju! stengah hidup gw multiply..
ReplyDeleteNambahin dim, dari multiply kita juga bisa ngerti cara berpikir orang lewat tulisan-tulisanya..
ReplyDeleteGa kaya friendster yg cuma physically aja..
Kalo di fs yg paling cakep temenya banyak..
hahaha iya ni mas hidup gw udah mulai bias antara realita..multiply dan ym
ReplyDeletei love multiply so much mas! dari jamannya temen2x gue masih dikit banget sampe sekarang ini! hehehehe....gila...dah kayak hidup gue...dan main reason gue berlangganan internet...
ReplyDelete*srooooooooooottt!!! hiks hiks!
uuwwh seneng deh nama gue disebut diatas! hahaha
ReplyDeletemylife is all 'bout the net!
ReplyDelete35% multiply
20% myspace
15% facebook
30% random surfing
20% emails
ya kurang lebih gue sama kayak elo pi....
ReplyDeletesekarang jadi bengong2x ginih hidup gue...huahahahaha
myspace gitu-gitu aja, fesbuk capek ma fiturnya
ReplyDeleteinstal game aja ga biar ga bengong hahahhahha
berhenti aja kayaknya ya langganan internetnya...
ReplyDeletekalo multiply gini2 terus..
dapet pacal krn multiply
ReplyDeletedapet kerjaan krn multiply
dapet tambahan temen krn multiply
dapet gosip hangat krn multiply
uuuwwwhhh i love multiply cyuuuupppp
baru baca di salah satu efek ditutupnya akses multiply:
ReplyDeletePemblokiran akses Speedy, salah satunya ke Multiply tersebut, mengakibatkan sejumlah pengusaha rumah tangga dan industri mikro menjerit. "Bangkrut deh aku," ujar Budi Dhima, seorang ibu rumah tangga kepada detikINET, Selasa (8/4/2008).
Budi adalah salah satu dari ratusan ibu rumah tangga di bilangan Bekasi yang menjalankan bisnis rumahan atau mikro melalui Internet, dengan bermodalkan akses Internet Speedy dan situs Multiply.
"Aku pakai multiply untuk menawarkan daganganku, seperti baju dan jilbab muslimah," ujarnya. "Kalau gini caranya (diblokir), aku bisa bangkrut. Pelangganku kan kumpulnya di multiply," tambahnya dengan memelas.
Budi, sebagaimana keluarga muda pada umumnya, membantu suaminya dalam hal keuangan keluarga, dengan berdagang kecil-kecilan dengan pemasukan sekitar Rp 2 juta per bulan. "Keuntungannya paling hanya pas untuk menambah biaya sekolah TK putri sulungnya dan membeli susu untuk anak balitanya," tambahnya.
Menurut Budi, setidaknya sekitar seribuan member yang tergabung dalam "Sekitar 50%-60%-nya menggunakan Speedy," tandasnya dengan nada datar.
tambahan: bisa mencaci maki "dia-yang-ber-doc-mart-jacket-kulit-yang-menggunakan-nama-sebagai-kata-panggil-bahkan-untuk-dirinya-sendiri" dengan bebasnya hahahhaha *mengakulah juga kau dimas engsel
ReplyDeletehahaha..sialan lo, num.. yang elo kasih waktu itu yang bareng cd soulvibe kan ketinggalan di kantor. jadi mungkin saja "dia-yang-ber-doc-mart-jacket-kulit-yang-menggunakan-nama-sebagai-kata-panggil-bahkan-untuk-dirinya-sendiri" sudah membaca :D
yang pasti nomer pertama tetap multiply yah..hehe
ReplyDeleteini versi gua:
50% Multiply
35% Bloglines (semua site yang udah subscribe tinggal baca disini)
10% Email
4% Myspace
1% Facebook (kalau bener-bener gak ada kerjaan :D)
sssttttt.... diem2 aja mas... youtube aja bisa dibuka toh... multiply jg ne (kmrn diblok melsa si, gara2 salah pencet kebuka d multiply nya ^^) nih resep "salah pencet" gw : klo2 ada yg lum tau... smoga berguna....
ReplyDeletespysurfing itu free proxy juga kan? kemaren sih pakenya vtunnel atau ninjaproxy. beres urusannya..hehe..kecuali rapidshare doang nih yang belum.
ReplyDeleteuga melankolis sekali sih..haha..
ReplyDeletethank you juga ya, Ga atas bujukan tidak langsungnya untuk membuat multiply..huehee
istighfar, mbon..ini hanyalah sebuah realita semu yang akan menjebak anda ke dalam labirin kehidupan yang menyiksa..ingat kerajaan Allah sudah dekat
ReplyDeletemungkin multiply juga memuaskan hasrat manusia yang selalu ingin tahu dan suka 'mengintip' kehidupan orang lain..sama seperti lakunya acara gosip :p
ReplyDeleteHahaha... bener, mustinya Uga & Felix dibayar sama multiply, karena mereka at least sudah masukin 100 pelanggan baru buat multiply..
ReplyDeletekalo prosentase online gue:
60% multipy
15% browsing news & sports
5% email
5% facebook
5% myspace
5% browsing film2 baru
3% ym & msn
1% friendster (hahaha.. masih jaman ye? cuma cek2 doang)
1% lain2 (hehe.. lain2nya dikit abis)
multiply mengubah hidup dan cara pandang gw
facebook ajalah kalo mau di blokir, multiply itu menyangkut hajat hidup orang banyak, sama akses internet rumahnya roysuryo aja diblokir, biar dia ga bisa internetan dan akhirnya dia membuka usaha les menjahit
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah potong gaji
ReplyDeletebrowsing news & sports pake RSS Feed dong, fin..mudah dan efisien.
ReplyDeleteternyata engkau masih membuka friendster ya..udah tahun 2008 :D
hahah..palingan kalo udah lengser dari 'jabatan pakar telematika', roy berakhir menjadi fotografer keliling di ancol, atau paling tidak membuka kursus fotografi mengingat di cv nya dia tampaknya hobi banget foto-foto..haha..
ReplyDeleteini sekilas cv dari om roy:
12. Juara I Rally Foto & sekaligus Juara I Lomba Foto Model Fuji di Padang (2002)
13. Juara I Lomba Foto ‘Beauty at the Pool Side II’ di Semarang (2003)
14. Juara I Rally Foto Fuji di Bandung, Juara II di Jakarta & Harapan di Jogja (2003)
gak kok, num tenang aja..kan surat elo hanya menyinggung si doc mart bukan menyinggung si botak.hehee
ReplyDelete"12. Juara I Rally Foto & sekaligus Juara I Lomba Foto Model Fuji di Padang (2002)
ReplyDelete13. Juara I Lomba Foto ‘Beauty at the Pool Side II’ di Semarang (2003)
14. Juara I Rally Foto Fuji di Bandung, Juara II di Jakarta & Harapan di Jogja (2003)"
itu dia jadi modelnya ya? hahahaha, 'beauty at the pool side'
hah itu serius cv-nya roy suryo dim?
ReplyDeletehaha trims dimas ada quotes saya disitu, tp klo ga ada multiply belum tentu sekarang gue pacaran sama bobby, haha seriusan ini...multiply apa kontak jodoh?
ReplyDeleteada lagi, bi yang lebih sadis..
ReplyDelete17. Penerima Penghargaan “Pria Berbusana Terbaik 2004�? dari YAPMI & YPI (2004)
beneran, rin..liat disini deh:
ReplyDeletehahah..beneran, fi multiply menjadi medium yang mendekatkan elo dengan bobby? udah dua pasang ni berarti kalo bener gitu. ada nanum dan fifi. siapa lagi yang mau menyusul?haha..nanti dibuatkan piala bergilirnya deh :D
ReplyDeletenona jane knp ga multiplyan dim? siapa tau bisa mjd medium yg mendekatkan ke jenjang pernikahan... x)
ReplyDeletehaha..bisa aja, lo..gak sempet dia ngurus beginian. sudah terlalu sibuk di kantor..hehe
ReplyDeleteyupz, saya setuju. saya cinta multiply juga. pokoknya semua ada disini. mulai info2 terbaru, diskusi2 yg menarik, artikel2 yg menarik sampe kadang2 secara tidak sengaja menemukan sebuah lagu/album yg udah kita cari kemana2, eh nemunya malah di multiply. pokoknya, hebatlah multiply. :)
ReplyDeleteDo you have friends and family that you care about and would like to have a better way to stay in touch with, and share those precious photos and videos, and discuss current events?
ReplyDeleteMultiply is it.
hikshiks, sedih. bagus sekali tulisannya :)
hidup mr. peter pezaris !
presentase aku:
55 % email kantor, mau tidak mau, krn tak bs buka email lain.. :'(
20 % multiply
10 % fesbuk
10 % frenster & myspace
5 % lainlain
the next object for fashion weekly.....hummm??????????????
ReplyDeletehaha gue udah cek dul, beneran aja lagi "17. Penerima Penghargaan “Pria Berbusana Terbaik 2004�? dari YAPMI & YPI (2004)". haha wtf.
ReplyDeletehaha gue udah cek dul, beneran aja lagi "17. Penerima Penghargaan “Pria Berbusana Terbaik 2004�? dari YAPMI & YPI (2004)". haha wtf.
ReplyDeleteKok multyplynya nyala lagih sih?...