Wednesday, August 6, 2008

UNKLE347 wrapped up in book: After Ten Years Friends Call Us Unkle

s.c.a.n.d.a.l present:
After Ten Years Friends Call Us Unkle

UNKLE347 wrapped up in book

A documentary archives about the creative journey of UNKLE347, independent sub culture and how we still loving youth


UNKLE347 design archives including appareal design, print ads, catalogue, stickers, postcards and other propaganda for almost 12 years of existency in clothing and apparel industries.

Articles by Samuel Mulia, Ronald Holoang, Joshua Simanjuntak, Nasta Soetardjo, Gustaff Hariman.

And also artworks and photos by Albert Judiyanto, Darma Adhitia, Dylan Martorell, Evelyn Pritt, G.H.O.S.T, Jonathan Kusuma Ramli, Mark Soetantyo, Rudi Adrianto, Thinking*Room Inc. and WhatNot.

After Ten Years Friends Call Us Unkle book is now available for pre-sale.
Order now, and you will get a pre-order discount.

The book will become available in early September.

For more information about pre-order, books preview and other news update about this book, visit:


  1. iyahhh udah mau pesen dim tp budgetnya blum ada kalau bulan ini, kmrn nanya ardho masih lumayan stocknya, jd sepertinya bersabar dulu, hehe

  2. memang bahaya nih si oom... pesen ach!

  3. it's great to see that everything now is documented although still by old dogs. :D

  4. boss knpa g dijual di toko buku gramed..... c?

  5. asslm..
    bs delivery service g?
    d luar jawa niy..
